Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Football sectional

I've covered high school sports for, um, let's say many years and I'm still amazed at how a team can be great one week and ho-hum the next. I know it's all about self-confidence and effort and believing you're a winner, but the hard part is figuring out how to get your team to be winners instead of losers. I've covered four Corydon games this year. Two of them, Perry County and West Washington, were not the Panthers' finest hours. But in the other two, they were awesome, Salem and North Harrison. Particularly the North Harrison game. Corydon just never gave up, against a team that was supposed to beat them easily. That was one of the best high school football games I've seen. Would have been great to have won, but the Panthers should be proud of their effort.

Hope that's the Panther team that shows up this weekend. Anyway, we'll be there in Batesville to cover it.


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