Thursday, June 14, 2007

good grief

It's June 14 already; been three weeks since the last blog. Well, I have said that the real Life in Corydon blog is the site itself, and these words are an occasional addition.

I'm in Muncie at Ball State University for the annual Kalish Picture Editing Workshop for newspaper editors and photographers. I've taught at this workshop for more than ten years. Now, however, we're deep into a post-session to discuss philosophical issues, and I'm getting antsy.

The last thing I photographed before I left was the Star Family Circus. The acts were simple and there were a lot of opportunities to spend money, but everyone there had a great time, including me. It's a wonderul thing to be able to go to places like this and take pictures and then share them with everyone. But Meredith sent me some nice pictures from the Cinderella Kids workshop, and they went up this morning.

Saturday we'll put up pictures from the Friday night concerts on the square, though in the interest of full disclosure, the ones we're going to post are actually from the previous Friday. Later in the weekend we should have more youth softball and baseball. I believe next week is playoffs. I'll be there. Happy to be home.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger longjonblu said...

Your series on Cinderella kids was VERY GOOD. Keep up the good work. John Heiss

At 1:54 PM, Blogger longjonblu said...

The photographs of the T-Ball girls are very FUN. It always amazes me that the gloves are bigger than the kids but the smiles and grimaces are even bigger. You do have a gift my friend. John


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