Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Glad that's over

Try as I might, I can't totally ignore yesteday's election. Let me just say this...

I'm really tired of negative campaign advertising, particularly the kind that distorts the records and opinions of the candidates by narrowly focusing on something they may have said or a bill they may have voted on (sometimes years in the past). It's an insult to our intelligence to think that we voters don't see through that kind of propaganda; an insult to suggest we don't know that most issues are not simple enough to be condensed into a sound bite.

For a change, I'd sure like to see a candidate stand up and say something like, "My opponent is an honorable man who is committed to his beliefs. Here's how our positions differ. You should choose between us based on our stance on the issues."

Politicos say that positive campaigning doesn't work. How sad, if that's true.

Enough politics. Life in Corydon will get back to other important stuff, like Lady Panther basketball.


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